Over on the Google Code page theirs a project for an Android Live CD for x86 machines with limited driver support but for the most part works as an example of Android. The Live CD supports Mouse/Audio/Networking/SD Card. It’ll boot natively or in a virtualization program such as VMware or Virtualbox The live CD runs Android 1.5 and lack applications that are closed source by good such as the Android Market and G-mail. Though you still have the ability to install .apk file for applications.
Over on the Google Code page theirs a project for an Android Live CD for x86 machines with limited driver support but for the most part works as an example of Android. The Live CD supports Mouse/Audio/Networking/SD Card. It’ll boot natively or in a virtualization program such as VMware or Virtualbox The live CD runs Android 1.5 and lack applications that are closed source by good such as the Android Market and G-mail. Though you still have the ability to install .apk file for applications.
So the other day i decided to log into my comcast.net account to see if there was any thing new, and what do i find, the Comcast Bandwidth meter has finally been released (well in the Boston area so far). I cant confirm if it is officially out, but i have heard other reports saying that it is slowly rolling out across the Boston area.
But i can confirm that I have it and apparently I’v been using A LOT more bandwidth than i thought. Leaving me wondering, is this relay truly accurate?
If you have Comcast tell us if you have the meter in you area. To find it, log into your comcast.net account click on “My Account”, and then go to “Users & Settings”.
In an effort to rebuild there public image, Comcast has decided to rebrand it’s Internet, TV, and phone service to Xfinity Internet, TV, and phone.
The overhaul is set to start this week starting with the first 11 markets: Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington D.C., Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Hartford, Augusta, Chattanooga, parts of the Bay Area and San Francisco.
So, Whats your thoughts on the new name, post in comments.
Microsoft’s Winodows 7 is the first operating system to include cheat codes that esentially put you ahead of the game. The “God Mode” Cheat is the end all be all of cheats as is the same with this one. The cheat allows for a single administration panel perfectly structured and organized in a single folder. Theres no hacking required to enable this just as simple as creating a new folder and renaming it.
Step 1:
Create New Folder
Step 2:
Rename to
The “GodMode” text is just a placeholder and can be replaced by any text string. Excluding the following period which is necesscary. After all that your ready to cheat away an save some time with some easy administration. This cheat works in Windows 7 32/64-Bit and Windows Vista 32-bit ,but is said to crash in some 64-bit systems.
Some other strings that can be enter as folder names for shortcuts (same rules apply from above):
Administrative Tools.{D20EA4E1-3957-11d2-A40B-0C5020524153}
All Tasks.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002b30309d}
Network Places.{208d2c60-3aea-1069-a2d7-08002b30309d}
Printers and Faxes.{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D}
Programs Folder.{7be9d83c-a729-4d97-b5a7-1b7313c39e0a}
Recycle Bin.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}
Scheduled Tasks.{D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}
Start Menu.{48e7caab-b918-4e58-a94d-505519c795dc}
Also please not that all these shortcuts can be accessed from the explorer bar by entering “shell:::” then a text string from above. For example to open God Mode in an explorer windows with out a shortcut enter the following in the address bar.
In the end its all simple administration customization to save time and agonizing pain of searching through pointless windows and applets.
“http://lockergnome.net – You’re doing things online every day, whether you’re posting to YouTube, publishing photos to Flickr, or sending out tweets. You’re doing all kinds of things, but what are you doing to archive your life stream? I have a solution for you… a brand-new site that I have created with some help. It’s a free WordPress blog, where we will help you aggregate all of your social media activity. You will be able to export all of that information at any point you choose! http://chris.pirillo.com –http://geeks.pirillo.com“
On New Years Eve we donated money to the Subservient Chris fundraiser to help raise money for the GeekShed IRC network and the Muscular Dystrophy Association, and in return he gave us an awesome shout out.
The IT Lounge is a small tech blog being run by some of the students in the Information Technology shop at Blackstone Valley Tech.
The name “IT Lounge” came to be when the IT shop was introduced into our amazing vocational high school back in 2005. We call it The IT Lounge because if we finish all of our work and labs, we basically get to do whatever we want, as long as its shop related and falls within the schools rules. So if we get all of our work done on Monday, we get most of the rest of the week to our selves. (We alternate between shop and academics every other week).
The original idea for the The IT Lounge was to have a weekly podcast about tech and gadgets. But due to time restraints and lack of ideas that never happened. The school also decided not to let us post anything we filmed in school.
In late 2008 we began work on our website. We settled on the idea on starting a tech blog, and what else better to use than WordPress.
The next big problem we had was finding/making a good WordPress theme for the site. We tried making our own theme but then realized that we had nowhere enough experience to make one. So after searching for quite some time we came across Chris Pirillo’s Social Media theme WicketPixie, and fell in love with it. We also needed to host the site somewhere. We found an amazing FREE web host called X10Hosting, clearly the best free web host out there!
We try to post stories about what we are learning in shop, latest gadgets, random interesting video, or whatever other crazy projects we are trying to do. Basically anything that we think is awesome.
“Discover breaking news on the web with real-time updates from news, blogs and social networks.”
Google has finaly partnerd up with all the popular social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, FriendFeed, MySpace, Jaiku, and Identi.ca) to pull up real time search results.
“Darren Kitchen, hacker and host of tech show Hak5, says why hacking isn’t the same thing as cyber crime. Jorge Ribas sits down with him to find out the difference.”